Children’s orthodontics

Catching orthodontic issues early can reduce the length and complexity of orthodontic treatment in your child’s teenage years. It’s easier to correct misalignments while they are still minor and your child’s jaws are still growing.

Children’s orthodontics

What age should my child start orthodontic treatment?

The British Orthodontic Society recommends for children to be seen by a Specialist Orthodontist around the age of 7 or 8. At this time, we can catch orthodontic issues while they are still developing, and correct them before they become more serious.

We may not need to start treatment at this young age, but we can monitor the growth of your child’s smile and recommend treatment later at the most opportune time.

The importance of early intervention

Around a third of young people will need orthodontic treatment. Having straighter teeth helps keep your mouth healthy, as it is easier to prevent injury, gum disease and tooth decay with straighter teeth.

Some orthodontic concerns can be treated early to prevent complex orthodontic problems in the future. Starting early treatment can sometimes even prevent the need for later treatment.

The importance of early intervention

How do I know if my child needs orthodontic treatment?

Sometimes, it can be obvious that your child will benefit from orthodontic treatment. You may be able to see crowded teeth or gaps between teeth. But not all signs are so visible, which is why it is important for your child to be seen by a Specialist Orthodontist for assessment.

Some other signs of orthodontic need include thumb sucking past the age of five, difficulties with breathing, speaking or chewing and early or late loss of baby teeth.

How do I know if my child needs orthodontic treatment?

Early orthodontic treatments

We offer a number of gentle treatments for shaping your child’s smile. We can use Invisalign® First aligners to functional devices to guide their jaw growth and ensure their smile develops in better alignment. We can also use removable appliances for simple tooth movements.

Early orthodontic treatments

NHS waiting lists are now 2-3 years long

Have you considered self-funding for your child’s treatment? Even if your child qualifies for NHS treatment, the demand is especially high right now because of the COVID pandemic. You could be waiting up to three years to start the treatment your child so badly needs.

If you would prefer not to wait, or would like to choose a more cosmetic option than metal braces, we can help you self-fund your child’s treatment with our flexible payment plans. You can learn more about your options during your child’s free consultation.

NHS waiting lists are now 2-3 years long